Reason for starting Blaze: A childhood dream of opening my own martial arts school and helping people to have the same amazing and life changing experience that I had training in the martial arts
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    Age: 50

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    Belt Grade: 6th Dan Black Belt

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    Time as student: 37 Years

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    Time as an instructor: 20 Years

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    Favourite technique: Axe kick

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    Reason for starting Martial Arts

    I got attacked when I was 14 years old and wanted to learn how to defend myself should it ever happen again.

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    Best kickboxing moment

    Too many to narrow it down to one single event – Getting my first Black Belt. Getting my 6th Dan. Representing England. Appearing on the cover of Martial Arts Illustrated magazine (three times). Being invited into the Martial Arts Hall of Fame. Teaching a Hollywood ‘A’ lister… and of course, opening my own school.